To begin the checkout, we must open the checkout by submitting the full contents of the shopping cart.

Requested Attributes

AttributeData TypeDescriptionRequired Format
codestringverification code sent to the customer's mobile device6 digit number
first_namestringfirst name of the customer's billing informationnone
middle_namestringcustomer's middle namenone
last_namestringlast name of the customer's billing informationnone
addressstringcustomer's line 1 of billing addressnone
address2stringcustomer's line 2 of billing addressnone
citystringcustomer's billing citynone
statestringcustomer's billing state2 char state abbrev.
countrystringcustomer's billing countryUS
zipstringcustomer's billing zip code5 digit
phonestringcustomer's phone number10 digit number
emailstringcustomer's email address to receive lease agreement and notificationsnone
display_namestringname of the item in the cartnone
skustringretailer defined and specific stock keeping unit to identify the product/item in the cartlimit of 127 characters
unit_pricestring or integer input, string outputcash price of and item at a quantity of 1number
quantityintegernumber of a speicfic item in the cartnumber
leasablebooleanindication if the warranty is leasable or nottrue / false
customer_idstringretailer specific identifier per customernone
discount_namestringname of discount being applied to the cartnumber
discount_amountstring$ amount of discount being applied to the cartnumber
phonestringcustomer's phone number10 digit number
new_addressbooleanindication if the user is new or returningtrue / false
shipping_amountdecimaltotal shipping amount of the ordernumber

Request Payload

    "code": "123456",
    "customer": {
        "billing": {
            "first_name": "jane",
            "middle_name": "Q",
            "last_name": "doe",
            "address": "123 main street",
            "address2": "apt 5b",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": "United States",
            "zip": "10009",
            "phone": "5554324537",
            "email": "[email protected]"
        "shipping": {
            "first_name": "jane",
            "middle_name": "Q",
            "last_name": "doe",
            "address": "123 main street",
            "address2": "apt 5b",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": "United States",
            "zip": "10009",
            "phone": "5554324537",
            "email": "[email protected]"
    "items": [
            "display_name": "Furniture Set",
            "sku": "FS3525",
            "unit_price": 700,
            "quantity": 1,
            "leasable": true,
            "warranty": {
                "price": 100,
                "display_name": "warranty name",
                "sku": "warranty sku"
            "display_name": "AA Batteries",
            "sku": "AA5234",
            "unit_price": 15,
            "quantity": 1,
            "leasable": false
    "checkout": {
        "customer_id": "1000438727823",
        "shipping_amount": 20.00,
        "discounts": [
                "discount_name": "Birthday Discount",
                "discount_amount": 50
                "discount_name": "Towel Discount",
                "discount_amount": 50
    "urls": {
        "return": false,
        "cancel": false
    "phone": "6073393582",
    "new_address": false

Initialize the Lease for Checkout

ErrorHTTP statusDescription
NOT FOUND404No User Found
BAD REQUEST400Validation Error / Input Fields Differ From What Was Provided During Preapproval
INTERNAL SERVER ERROR500Invalid Request Payload
UNAUTHORIZED401Invalid Authorization Token