Cancellation Management
Katapult allows its merchants to cancel orders from the nopCommerce admin portal.
Before getting started
Katapult does not allow for price adjustments to be made from the nopCommerce admin portal. To make a price adjustment to an order, reach out to Katapult customer service at 833-KATAPULT (833-528-2785).
Please keep in mind that in order for the cancellation to process successfully for a full cancellation, you will need to refund the entire value of the product and cannot withhold any funds from the customer.
Full Cancellation
Step 1. Login to your nopCommerce admin portal Go to > Sales > select Orders
Step 2. Locate the order you are looking for and select > Edit

Step 3. Once in the edit order details select > Cancel Order

Step 4. In the popup verify that you would like to proceed with cancellation by selecting *Yes
Step 5. Login to the Katapult Merchant Portal
Step 6. Locate the order
Step 7. Confirm status is changed to Cancelled

Q. I am attempting to do a refund for less than the amount of the product and it isn't working, why?
A. At this time these requests cannot be processed through your admin portal. Please reach out to our service team for additional assistance.
Updated almost 3 years ago