In this guide you will learn how to integrate Katpault with WooCommerce to provide a no credit, lease-to-own payment option for your customers.
Before Getting Started
Before beginning your integration, please review the following:
- Online Checkout Flow
- Your current checkout process to understand how Katapult will impact operations and customers.
- Leasable Items
- Deployment Checklist
- Tax Exemption Management: Katapult is a wholesale merchant and our WooCommerce Extension is built to update orders accordingly. Please make sure you have reviewed how this will impact your internal processes for reconciling orders.
- Confirm all your products have SKUs, item descriptions & item value being passed. It is your responsibility to make sure all items are passed to Katapult with the correct dollar value.
Once your merchant agreement has been completed, you will receive an email with your sandbox login credentials and tokens. If you have not received your tokens, please reach out to Integration@katapult.com.
Supported Versions
Woo 5.x
You may download the extension directly from wordpress OR from your admin portal under plugins.
Step 1. Log in to your Wordpress admin portal
Step 2. Go to > plugins> Add New Button > Search for Katapult
Step 3. Select the Install Now Button
Step 4. Once the installation is successful you will be able to activate your plugin by selecting the Activate Button
Step 5. For automatic updates enable auto-updates
Configuring Katapult Payment Method
Step 1. Login to your wordpress admin portal Go to > WooCommerce > select Settings
Step 2. Select > Payments
Step 3. Find Katapult in your payment list > Manage
Step 4. Complete configuration for testing
When configuring Katapult, confirm that the environment is pointed towards sandbox for development and testing.
- Enable Katapult is selected
- Environment: https://sandbox.katapult.com
- Private API Key: tokens supplied by Katapult
- Public API Key: tokens supplied by Katapult
- Minimum Order Total: Value provided in your integration onboarding email
- Maximum Order Total: $3500.00
Attribute Updates
We request that our partnered merchants manage their inventory and update products as leasable or non leasable by utilizing the attributes in WooCommerce. To remain in compliance with our agreement please review our leasable and non leasable items.
Bulk Attribute Update
If your products are Simple Products and Product_Variants they may execute Mysql query. This query will grab all products and update the attribute to Yes.
Bulk attribute best practices!
Before executing these commands you should create a database backup.
Simple Products
INSERT INTO wp_postmeta(post_id, meta_key, meta_value) SELECT ID, 'leasable','yes' FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type='product';
*Variable Products
INSERT INTO wp_postmeta(post_id, meta_key, meta_value) SELECT ID, 'leasable','yes' FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type='product_variation';
Manual Attribute Update
To update an item as leasable go to Products > find the product(s) that is leasable >go to edit > Go to General product data >check ‘Leasable with Katapult’ > and update.
Merchant Testing
We recommend that your team completed thorough testing, You can find our recommended testing scenarios here. However, you will need to tailor your testing plan specific to your setup and processes.
Katapult Testing
After completing the installation and configuration, we will coordinate testing with your team. Katapult will need to complete testing in your development environment before going live in production.
Once testing is completed we will coordinate training and a go live date. Contact your account manager or reach out to integration@katapult.com to coordinate a go live date.
Production Configuration
Once testing is completed Katapult will coordinate providing production tokens and deployment.
- Enable Katapult is selected
- Environment: https://www.katapult.com
- Private API Key: tokens supplied by Katapult
- Public API Key: tokens supplied by Katapult
- Minimum Order total: Value provided in your integration onboarding email
- Maximum order total: $3500.00
Launch to Production
Once testing and training are completed you will be ready to deploy to your production environment to make Katapult a payment option for your customers!
1. Katapult is not reflecting as a payment option on my checkout page.
Verify you are checking out with a valid address in the continental united states of america and are using a state Katapult can transact in. Katapult is not accessible in NJ, MN, WI, WY.
At least 1 item in your cart is leasable, Katapult will not reflect as a payment option if the customer has exclusively non leasable items.
Confirm Katapult has been enabled as a payment option.
Updated over 1 year ago